I’m a 27-year-old worship leader in Franklin, TN. For 6 years, my email (and Twitter/Facebook/Insta handle) has been “lead inside out.” People ask me all the time what that means – and the answer is that God put a passion in me a long time ago to lead worship “inside out” – not to add to the growing list of cool kids with guitars on a stage, but to lead His people starting from the only sensible place: Him.

Since 2009, I’ve toyed with the idea of writing the things I’ve learned. It took me this long for reasons I’m sure you’ll read about as I write. Suffice it to say that I know I’m not the “best” or the most experienced worship leader out there – I simply know that, finally, it’s time for me to share what I’ve learned. And I want you to grow with me!

If you’re interested, here’s a little more about me…

I graduated from the amazing Trevecca Nazarene University in May 2012 with a double degree in Worship Arts and Psychology. Currently, I am self-employed and, in addition to the tons of fun I have coordinating writing for lead-inside-out, I manage a ministry called Capture Hope, I write copy, I manage social and other online media, and I build simple websites for some incredible clients.

But that’s enough resume for you – on to the important stuff!

I am married to the coolest guy in the world. No, really… He’s the best! My husband, Josh, is one of my heroes. He works crazy hard for our family, and has a deep passion for preaching the gospel and showing loves to teenagers he identifies with – the kind of kids who are often overlooked or pushed to the side.

We attend Grace Church: Nashville, here in Franklin. The pastor at our church, Lindell Cooley, was the worship leader for the Brownsville Revival in the 90’s in Pensacola, FL, and is a greatly anointed and gifted worship leader, in addition to being an amazing pastor! It is a monumental blessing to serve and learn under his leadership, and a lot of what I write here is greatly informed by his teaching, in addition to what I have learned elsewhere.

I also have parents who are my greatest fans and the reason I even followed God’s call to ministry at all. My father is the pastor at Spartanburg 1st Church of the Nazarene, and he and my mother have been passionate Jesus followers for much longer than I’ve been alive. Their support is integral to everything I accomplish! Not only that, but my first long-term experience leading worship was as the Minister of Music at Spartanburg 1st for 3 years.

I love hearing from you! Please feel free to tweet at me or send me a message on Facebook – links are on the top and bottom right of every page.